Celebrating Elders’ Birthdays

As senior citizens age, many of them become hesitant to celebrate their birthday. Most senior citizens will tell their families not to bother doing anything for them. Because they have celebrated decades worth of birthdays, they may’t feel as though they dont need to celebrate another one. While it is important to respect your loved…

Spending Time With Your Grandchildren

According to research published in the journal, Evolution and Human Behavior, seniors that are actively engaged in their grandchildren’s lives tend to live longer than those who are not. Watching your grandchildren can provide a sense of purpose and boost self-esteem by providing care for another. Whether you spend the day at the park or…

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

 With less than two weeks away from Summer’s official start, warmer weather, backyard barbecues, and dips in the pool are just around the corner. This is a great time to relax and enjoy the sun, but it is important to make safety a priority especially as the temperatures increase.  Sunshine, as beautiful as it may…

Gaining Mobility with Assistive Devices

Summer is here and now is a great time to regain your mobility and independence. There are a few different options for mobility equipment. Mobility devices like wheelchairs, canes, and walkers are good investments for seniors who feel unsteady on their feet. Appropriate use of these devices can help to prevent falls, improve posture, and…

All About the UPWalker Walking Aid

Are you a senior citizen or rehab patient who needs some help getting around from day to day? Do you have a neurological, cardiovascular or pulmonary disorder? Do you suffer from pain, instability and poor posture from using a traditional walker or rollator? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the UPWalker Upright…

Different Wheelchair Lift Options for Vehicles

If you use a wheelchair, you may be considering a wheelchair lift to make it easier to get in and out of your car. However, choosing among the different options takes an understanding of the various products on the market and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Here’s our guide to different wheelchair lift options…

The Many Benefits of Lift Chairs

Recliners, La-Z-Boys, and grandparent chairs are just a few names for Americas most comfortable seating. Unfortunately, these chairs have a negative connotation associated with them as they are typically regarded as medical chairs. However, these lift chairs are so much more than that. They aren’t just your grandpas La- Z- Boy anymore. In fact, they…