Category: Senior Citizens

Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Birds will soon be chirping, flowers will begin to bloom and temperatures will slowly warm up, which means that it will be time for spring cleaning before we know it! As seniors age, spring cleaning on their own gets harder and harder. If you’re stepping in to help an elderly loved one clean his or…

Advantages of an Elderly In-Home Spa

Nothing is more relaxing than a dip in a spa tub. For most of us, it’s an experience we have most often on vacation. For the elderly, however, having an in-home spa has a variety of benefits for relaxation, rejuvenation and health. Hydrotherapy, or water as a means to heal, has been used to treat…

How to Manage Arthritis in the Winter

If you have arthritis, then you know how difficult it can be to manage it once the wintertime rolls around. Studies have suggested that it’s the sudden change in temperature that often takes place in the winter, not the cold itself that makes arthritis so hard to deal with during the colder months. But whatever…

How to Care for Seniors With Mobility Problems

As we age, most of us will experience the physical instability caused by weakening muscles and joint problems as well as neurological conditions. But did you know that accidents resulting from these issues, especially falls, is the fifth leading cause of death for the elderly? If you’re caring for a senior with mobility problems, here…

Why is Dental Health Important for Seniors?

Dental health is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for seniors. Seniors can be forced to deal with a range of dental health issues, including everything from dry mouth to gum disease, so it’s essential for them to take good care of their teeth and to get the proper dental care. Check out a…

Relaxation Techniques for Seniors

Stress can affect anyone at any age, and it can have many negative side effects. For seniors especially, the effects of stress can take a toll both physically and mentally. Thankfully, there are many helpful relaxation techniques for the elderly. Gentle exercise Low-impact, non-strenuous exercise like yoga, tai chi and Pilates are perfect for helping…

Importance of Mobility Safety

As you get older, it can become increasingly difficult to stand up and get out of a chair. Seniors lose a lot of the strength they used to have in their hip muscles and knee extensors, and as a result, simply standing up isn’t as easy as it used to be. Because of this, there…