Category: Mobility Equipment

How to Customize Your Walker

We personalize our bedrooms, the inside of our vehicles, our lockers at school. The urge to turn something that is usually mundane and boring into a customizable extension of who we are is in our nature. If you must look at something every day, why not make it special? If you need mobility equipment to…

Manual vs. Power Wheelchair: The Pros & Cons of Each

For individuals with temporary or permanent mobility issues, a wheelchair is often a lifesaving device. With a wheelchair, you have the ability to move around much more freely and maintain a higher level of independence and control over your life. These days, the market for wheelchairs is plentiful. One of the first choices you’ll have…

3 Ways to Make Your Pool More Accessible

Swimming is one of the best types of exercise a person can get. It’s a fun and effective full-body workout that gets your heartrate up, builds strength, tones muscles, increases endurance, facilitates weight loss, and relieves stress. Because it’s a low-impact activity, swimming is especially great for individuals suffering from joint and muscle pain, limited…

3 Tips for Using Crutches

Accidents happen to everyone. No matter how healthy you are, all it takes is one missed stair or unseen patch of ice to put you on crutches. If you’ve never used crutches before, you may think there’s nothing to it—after all, it looks pretty straightforward, right? Well, things are a little different than how they…

Gaining Mobility with Assistive Devices

Summer is here and now is a great time to regain your mobility and independence. There are a few different options for mobility equipment. Mobility devices like wheelchairs, canes, and walkers are good investments for seniors who feel unsteady on their feet. Appropriate use of these devices can help to prevent falls, improve posture, and…

All About the UPWalker Walking Aid

Are you a senior citizen or rehab patient who needs some help getting around from day to day? Do you have a neurological, cardiovascular or pulmonary disorder? Do you suffer from pain, instability and poor posture from using a traditional walker or rollator? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the UPWalker Upright…

Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a Mobility Scooter

Mobility has turned into one of the biggest problems for many older Americans in recent years. There are millions and millions of people over the age of 65 who simply can’t get around like they used to. If you fall into this category, you might be thinking about purchasing a mobility scooter to make life…