Category: BEK Caregivers Corners

Watch Your Step!

This week we continue our series over Bath safety month by taking a look at preventing slip fall injuries.  In order to prevent slipping in the tub/shower, consider adding a Rubber Bath Mat, these mats offer an economical and easy to use means of minimizing slipping in the bathroom.   Bath Mats typically have a textured…

Hold on Tight!

Grab bars in our opinion are the single most important addition one can make while adding safety to the bathroom. Keep in mind grab bars should always be installed professionally to ensure they are properly anchored. There are a variety of different grab bar applications, anchored grab bars are fastened to the structure and offer…

January is Bath Safety Month!

January is National Bath Safety Month, for some of us that may seem like a strange concept, but lets put a couple things into perspective. Water+Soap+Tile = the most dangerous room in your house.  In fact having been in this industry for many years now I had heard of the dangers of bathroom falls, but…

President’s Corner- Be Still

BE STILL & KNOW THAT I AM GOD!! PSALM 46:10 Beautiful words, so hard to follow.  I am a self diagnosed ADD personality.  Being still is not easy for me to do, especially when I see a need.  I want to fix it, I want to DO, DO, DO!!  In my line of work, “BE…

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

BEK Staff representing different nations of the world in honor of International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. From “Believers in countries such as Egypt, Eritrea, India, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan and Vietnam face violence, imprisonment and even death because of their faith in Jesus Christ. There are other places in the world such…

Focus on the Family- Seasons of Change

 Life has a funny way of waking us up to smell the coffee!!  My grandmother is a  97 God fearing woman, full of wisdom and great advice.  Unfortunately I realized this 40 years after she started preaching to me. The beauty of life is that “it is never too late” to start anew.  My grandmother…

Walking in His Love- Diamonds in the Dust

Colors and colors on a fabric filled with all kinds of patterns that you can ever imagine; cellphones, shrimp, mail you name it they’ll have it here in West Africa. Taxis stuffed like sardine cans with a fote (white person) drowning in the middle of it. Money exchanged by the thousands. Crying babies at the…