Focus on the Family- Seasons of Change

 Life has a funny way of waking us up to smell the coffee!!  My grandmother is a  97 God fearing woman, full of wisdom and great advice.  Unfortunately I realized this 40 years after she started preaching to me.
The beauty of life is that “it is never too late” to start anew.  My grandmother would tell me to “cherish each day with my girls because before I would realize it, they would be gone”, to always take time to smell the flowers, see a sunset, and enjoy the company of loved ones”.  I listened to her advice, did’nt really follow it, I really did not understand it until now that I have lived half my life, do I realize she was RIGHT!!  My girls grew up right before my eyes, did not realize how fast it happenened until they left home.  Where did the time go.  Why did I not slow down and spend more time with them, why did’n’t I slow down and smell the flowers, watch more sunsets, spend ore time with my loved ones?  Why, why, why!

I Praise the Lord that he is a God that gives us second chances.  He lets us begin a new season in our life, start fresh.  I have decided to listen to my grandmother, to enjoy and spend more time with my girls, with my family, with my loved ones.  I will take time to watch more sunsets, to smell more flowers and to just rest in the presence of the Lord!