Tag: Healthy Living

Simple Outdoor Activities for Senior Citizens

Every person deserves a chance to enjoy the beautiful springtime weather, especially senior citizens. Warmer temperatures and sunlight can do wonders for brain, bone and muscle functioning — in part thanks to Vitamin D exposure — which makes the benefit of heading outdoors for seniors all the more crucial. So in a world ripe with activities,…

Simple Spring Gardening Jobs for Seniors

It is extremely important for senior citizens to keep active, however, many seniors have limitations that prevent them from doing so. Gardening is one physical activity that can be very beneficial for senior citizens. Gardening can help get senior citizens outside, keep them physically active, reduce stress levels, and can help improve their overall mood.…

Healthy Foods Seniors Should Avoid

Maintaining a healthy diet is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for senior citizens as they age. We often hear about the foods that seniors should be eating, but there are also a lot of foods for seniors to avoid, and not all of them are junk food. Below, we’ve compiled a list of…

Benefits to Switching to a Geriatric Doctor

Many of us grow attached to our primary doctor. They know our health history and we build a personal relationship with them over time. However, as we age, our health care needs can drastically change. Senior citizens often face frequent health issues and sometimes it is beneficial for aging adults to switch to a geriatric…

Senior Citizens and the Benefits of Walking

It is no secret that exercise is something that all people benefit from. Whether you choose to put in a few miles in the great outdoors or lift weights in the comfort of your own home, exercise is beneficial to our health and well-being. Exercise should be a part of our everyday life from childhood…

Diabetic Management Matters, Especially For Seniors

Diabetic Management Matters, Especially For Seniors Diabetes can be a difficult thing to manage at any age and comes with many challenges. In order to manage diabetes, it is important to be informed about what it takes to do so properly. Over one-fifth of people with diabetes are over the age of 60 and many…

The Best Seat in the House…

One of the greatest difficulties for most seniors is mobility, in many cases one can become tired after standing longer periods of time, in addition to leg fatigue from extended standing seniors often experience difficulties while sitting or standing.  The motions of sitting and standing can be particularly dangerous and difficult for those with knee…