Benefits of Reading for Seniors

Reading has always been a way of enriching your mind and escaping from the monotony of everyday life—seniors can benefit a lot by adding a few more books to their monthly rotation. There are multiple benefits that reading has on seniors:


The most important reason anyone reads is to be entertained—reading lets you discover new worlds, new characters, and new opinions all from the comfort of your favorite armchair. The amount of truly good TV shows is limited these days and most senior citizens don’t prefer spending hours and hours staring at the television. Picking up a book can be a great source of entertainment and new information for people of all ages, especially seniors.


Book clubs are one of the best ways to meet new people, so if you live in a retirement community, try to join a book club. It will most likely be ladies and gentlemen snacking and chatting about their lives, rather than an in-depth discussion of the book, so no need to stress or worry. Grandkids can make great book club partners too, re-reading the classics with your grandkids as they read them in school can be very meaningful since you are experiencing them at a different phase in your life. You can also bond with your grandchildren as you read together.

Stress Reduction

Senior citizens don’t exactly have stress-free lives, with rising healthcare costs and a lot of changes in their day to day lives when it comes time to retire. According to Synergy Home Care, reading can reduce stress by absorbing your mind and distracting you from your worry.

Mental Stimulation

As we age, our memories and our minds aren’t as sharp as they used to be. However, reading frequently can actually help keep your memory and mind sharp. Home Care Assistance says that some research indicates that reading can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s and slow memory loss.

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